
  • Whatsapp Image 2024 06 29 At 15.42.33 43A64654

    Completed Mass Drug Administration in Western, Central and Isabel Provinces in Solomon Islands

    We have successfully completed the Mass Drug Administration in Western, Central and Isabel Provinces in Solomon Islands! We would like to thank everyone involved including the nurses and health workers who were part of the Mass Drug Administration teams and most importantly the Solomon Islander population for participating.
    The Mass Drug Administration will start in Guadalcanal, Renbel and Honiara in July followed by Choiseul, Makira, and Malaita in August and September.

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    Happy World Skin Health Day!

    Today is World Skin Health Day! This day highlights the significance of skin health and encourages discussion and action towards improving skin health globally.
    At World Scabies Program, we are endeavouring to do our part in improving skin health through our programs that tackle scabies, from raising awareness to community treatment campaigns. Like many skin conditions, scabies can exacerbate health disparities, impacting lives and communities.
    On this day, we would like to reinforce our commitment of working together with communities towards a scabies free future! Happy World Skin Health Day everyone!

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  • Whatsapp Image 2024 07 02 At 13.30.52 Ac6eab42

    Permethrin Cream Donation

    The World Scabies Program has donated 300 tubes of permethrin 5% cream to the Dermatology Unit at Tamavua Twomey Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Medical Services for the treatment of scabies in Fiji.
    We are pleased to be able to support Fiji in the treatment of scabies!

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  • Whatsapp Image 2024 06 21 At 13.36.20 Afe42274

    National Scabies Mass Drug Administration in Solomon Islands Underway

    The second National Mass Drug Administration (MDA) for scabies has begun this week in Solomon Islands! The MDA is currently underway in Isabel and Western Province with Central Province set to start next week. The MDA teams will begin working in Makira and Renbel in July and Choiseul and Guadalcanal in August with the MDA finishing in September in Malaita Province.

    Let’s work together to stop scabies!

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  • Whatsapp Image 2024 05 24 At 10.06.39 AM 4

    National post-MDA scabies prevalence survey complete in Fiji

    The WSP Fiji team have just successfully completed a national post-MDA prevalence survey for scabies!
    This survey commenced in February in the Northern Division and has just finished in the Eastern division. Out in the field, the survey teams heard many heartwarming stories of scabies being treated by the MDA.
    The end of this survey means that WSP has collected national data on the prevalence of scabies in Fiji following the MDA last year - a huge achievement!
    We would like to extend an enormous thank you and congratulations to our WSP Fiji team, the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, and all of the survey teams that worked tirelessly in often challenging conditions!

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    Solomon Islands National Scabies Mass Drug Administration Launch Event

    This month, the Ministry of Health and Medical Services supported by the World Scabies Program will launch a nationwide mass drug administration (MDA) campaign to address scabies. A launch event will be held on the 4th of June 2024 from 10am to 11am at the Futsal Courts next to Multipurpose Hall in Chinatown

    Solomon Islands is the first ever country in the world to commit to having two consecutive rounds of MDA which is a huge investment for the future and working towards eliminating scabies as a public health problem for the long term.

    The MDA campaign started in Temotu in March with Central, Isabel and Western Provinces commencing in June; Makira, Malaita and Renbel Provinces in July; and Choiseul, Guadalcanal and Honiara in August.

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  • Whatsapp Image 2024 05 23 At 10.51.04 AM

    Prevalence survey training complete in Fiji's Central and Eastern divisions

    This week, WSP Fiji have been diligently training nurses and data officers for the upcoming post-MDA scabies prevalence survey in both Central and Eastern Division.
    The training ran over three days at Suva’s Twomey Hospital, and finished with a visit to a nearby village for a mock survey, where the survey teams put their training into action!
    The survey in both divisions will commence on Monday and its completion will signify the end of the prevalence survey in the country. This means that national data on scabies and bacterial skin infection can be analysed to determine the prevalence of these conditions in Fiji following the MDAs.

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    Permethrin cream arrives in Honiara

    Exciting times, permethrin cream has arrived in Honiara!

    The team has been working up a sweat unloading 495 boxes this week! We are getting ready for the start of the Mass Drug Administration in Solomon Islands in June.

    Go team! 

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    Community consultations underway in Fiji

    The WSP Fiji team have been visiting communities in Fiji’s Central and Western divisions to consult on our upcoming work. We will be training Community Health Workers on scabies transmission and treatments so they can share this knowledge with their local community. We had a great time testing out a new scabies Flipchart, which we will be providing to the Community Health Workers.

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  • Fiji West Complete2

    Post MDA prevalence survey complete in Fiji's Western Division

    Over the past 2 weeks the WSP Fijian team have been hard at work in the Western Division conducting the post MDA scabies prevalence survey.

    The nursing units have been using their skin examination skills and have finished surveying the local community this week. Up next is the Central and Eastern divisions of Fiji with training taking place in May.
    A big vinaka to all the nurses and the wonderful Fijian community for participating in the survey!

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