World NTD Day 2025 from WSP Kiribati
Happy World NTD Day from the World Scabies Program Kiribati!WSP have started a new country program here in Kiribati, and we would like to introduce our two in-country coordinators – Mere and Miiri!Kiribati is a Pacific Island country in Micronesia that has experienced a high scabies prevalence.To tackle this neglected tropical disease in 2025, WSP Kiribati is implementing the first ever mass drug administration for scabies for the whole country.This year we will work to Unite, Act, and Eliminate scabies in Kiribati! -
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the WSP Teams!
The World Scabies Program would like to thank you for all your support in 2024 and wish you a happy and safe festive season. See you in 2025!
Second national MDA complete in Solomon Islands!
WSP with Solomon Islands Ministry of Health and Medical Services have just finished the second mass drug administration (MDA) for scabies throughout the whole country, which makes them the first country in the world to complete two national MDAs for scabies!
We would like to extend an enormous congratulations to all those involved in this huge effort to treat the whole of Solomon Islands for scabies through community based treatment campaigns - especially the Solomon Islander people for participating.
And tankiu tumas to Australia High Commission, Solomon Islands who have funded this program through Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), as well as the continued support from Macquarie Group Foundation.
MDA training started in Makira Province
This week, WSP and Ministry of Health & Medical Services Solomon Islands have been training healthcare workers on mass drug administration (MDA) in Makira Province.The training provides MDA teams with the knowledge and abilities needed to carry out the community treatment campaign effectively. The teams will begin rolling out the MDA in Makira later this week.Makira is the last province to go before Solomon Islands will have completed two MDAs for scabies - a world first!When the healthcare workers come to you, make sure you swallow the medicines to help stop the spread of scabies in Solomon Islands! -
Scabies Program Transition Workshop held in Suva
Vinaka vaka levu to all participants at the Scabies Program Transition Workshop held in Suva this week. The Fiji Ministry of Health and Medical Services and the World Scabies Program facilitated the workshop to present the recent prevalence survey data and discuss future approaches for scabies control in Fiji. The insights and contributions from all attendees led to excellent discussions, making the day very engaging. -
MDA update - Malaita Province
This week, WSP and Ministry of Health and Medical Services Solomon Islands have been training healthcare workers on mass drug administration (MDA) in Malaita Province.The training provides MDA teams with the knowledge and abilities needed to carry out the community treatment campaign effectively. The teams will begin rolling out the MDA in Malaita this coming Monday the 23rd of September. They will be travelling to communities, schools, and workplaces over three weeks.When the healthcare workers come to you, make sure you take your medications to help stop the spread of scabies in Solomon Islands!Tankiu tumas to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) who has funded this program. -
Congratulations to WHO on the completion of a Mass Drug Administration in Cox’s Bazar
The World Scabies Program would like to offer our colleagues in Bangladesh a huge congratulations for the recent completion of a Mass Drug Administration (MDA) for scabies in Cox’s Bazar and Bhasan Char Islands. The World Scabies Program were pleased to be able offer the WHO and their partners technical advice and support.
The MDA that took place from November 2023 to February 2024 and treated almost 1 million people utilising ivermectin and permethrin cream in 33 refugee camps. This MDA was necessary after a prevalence survey found there was at 39% scabies prevalence rate before the MDA intervention.
A short video about the MDA can be found here and more information on the WHO Website.
MDA update in Honiara
27 teams of nurses and healthcare workers have been very busy these last few days rolling out the Mass Drug Administration (MDA) for Scabies in Honiara, Solomon Islands.The teams have been working tirelessly travelling to schools, hospitals, communities and businesses to treat the population of the capital city. MDA for scabies will also be available in all HCC clinics until the end of August.We would like to thank the people of Honiara who have taken the medicine so far, and we hope to reach many more people over the coming weeks! -
Mass Drug Administration for scabies underway in Honiara
A Mass Drug Administration (MDA) campaign is currently underway in the Solomon Islands to fight scabies and will commence in Honiara on the 5th August and run until 30th August. In order to reduce the burden of scabies from Solomon Islands it is necessary to treat the whole community. To maximise the number of people reached during the MDA nurses and community health workers will be visiting schools, workplaces and communities to deliver the required medications.
The MDA is a partnership between The Ministry of Health and Medical Services supported by the World Scabies Program (WSP). The MDA has been funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
When the nurses and community health workers come to your school, community or workplace please take the time to take your medications.
If MDA does not come to your community you can visit your local clinic between 5th and 30th August to receive the medicines.
Let’s work together to stop scabies!
Community Health Workers Training in Fiji
Over the last two months, the WSP Fiji team have been delivering scabies control training to Community Health Workers (CHWs). Over 300 CHWs have been trained on scabies transmission, complications and available treatments. The CHWs have been provided with a flipchart and are currently delivering scabies awareness sessions to their community members. Training will continue until October this year and will take place in each Division.
The CHWs have been enjoying the training including learning about the complications of scabies. One of the CHWs was quoted as saying; ‘This is the first time I am hearing about the seriousness of scabies in that it can cause RHD. I will never take scabies lightly again.’
Well done to the WSP Fiji team for delivering such great training sessions!