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    MDA in the Solomon Islands almost completed in the Central Province

    We are excited that Central Province is towards the end of their Mass Drug Administration campaign. We recognize the efforts of the 18 teams working towards community awareness and distribution.

    The Central Islands Province, Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) focal person, Registered Nurse Joseph Manele said the mass drug administration rollout has been going on well as most people in the community are working together with the team to take up their doses.

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    The WSP Fiji team presenting Sevusevu in Macuata

    A very important part of Fijian culture is Sevusevu. This ceremony is a central component of social gatherings, rituals and community meetings. Here's the WSP team presenting it to members of the community in Macuata prior to starting the MDA in the area.

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    MDA teams currently working in the North of Fiji

    We are very proud of the hard work of all our mass drug administration (MDA) teams in Fiji. The teams are currently completing the rollout of the campaign in the North of Fiji. We hope they reach as many communities as possible to eliminate scabies. 

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    The World Scabies Program is celebrating the World NTD Day

    Neglected tropical disease (NTD) programmes strengthen health systems through disease surveillance and by training local health workers. By working together, adopting people-centered approaches, and working across sectors in an integrated manner, we can end neglected tropical diseases and achieve the targets in the World Health Organization NTD road map.

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    Reflections from the field- Fiji MDA

    The first round of the national ivermectin-based MDA in Fiji has begun. Recently a team from Melbourne spent a day out in the field with the nurses that are administering the medication in the island of Taveuni in the Northern Division of Fiji. Here are some reflections from one of the team members.

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    Integrated MDA underway in the Northern Division of Fiji

    The integrated MDA for scabies and lymphatic filariasis for the Northern Division of Fiji began on the 12th October. 

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    Introducing the World Scabies Program Video

    We are excited to share with you the first World Scabies Program illustrated video, which highlights the public health approach to controlling scabies.

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    MDA is underway in Solomon Islands

    MDA is underway in Solomon Islands. Half of the provinces have commenced MDA with the others to commence shortly. WSP Solomon Islands staff have also been busy conducting supervisory visits and coverage surveys in each of the provinces.

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    World Scabies Program featured on Breakfast TV Show at Fiji One 

    The World Scabies Program Fiji National Manager Aminiasi Tavui, Program Manager, Sarah Andersson and Project Coordinator for Lymphatic Filarisis at the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Vinaisi Duituturaga Bechu talks to Fiji One Breakfast about the upcoming mass drug distribution on scabies and lymphatic filarisis in the country. 

    To access the live recorded video click here

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    Solomon Islands launches Mass Drug Administration Campaign Against Scabies and Yaws

    The Ministry of Health in collaboration with the World Scabies Program, WHO and the Kirby Institute are preparing a mass drug distribution campaign targeting scabies and yaws at the community level. 

    View a recent article published in The Solomon Times about the scabies MDA here


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